Virgin Cruises To Operate Out Of South Florida

  • By Sam Taylor
  • Published 12 December 2014
  • Revised 18 March 2016
Virgin Cruises To Operate Out Of South Florida
  • By Sam Taylor
  • Published 12 December 2014
  • Revised 18 March 2016
Virgin Cruises To Operate Out Of South Florida
  • By Sam Taylor
  • Published 12 December 2014
  • Revised 18 March 2016
Business entrepreneur Richard Branson is taking his empire to the seas surrounding Florida and the Caribbean after announcing ‘Virgin Cruises’ as his latest project, starting with two cruise ships situated in South Florida.

In a recent news conference Branson stated “We plan to shake up the cruise industry and deliver a holiday that customers will absolutely love. They’ll be sailing on the latest ships offering a great quality, a real sense of fun and many exciting activities all delivered with the famed Virgin service.”

Virgin Cruises conference image

Virgin have successfully managed to acquire the services of former Disney Cruise Line president Tom McAlpin to head the new brand. Tome expressed that “Cruise guests deserve something better and different to what is being offered today, and Virgin Cruises is committed to creating breath-taking experiences for them and a new generation of guests. “Opportunities like this do not come often, so I am very excited to lead this business and introduce the Virgin brand to the cruise industry, as it has always put customers at the heart of what it does.”

At this early stage little has been said about the exact design of the ships and what guest experiences will be like, but from previous innovative projects we can expect Virgin Cruises to revolutionise the Caribbean cruise market, presenting a hugely exciting prospect for cruise enthusiasts.

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