FAQ and Help - Help While on Holiday

imgHelp While on Holiday

Who do I contact if there’s a problem?

For help when on-site please contact our dedicated Florida Resort Office: 

Telephone: 1-407-390-6422. 

Whatsapp (Messages only): +44 7564 582864

Calling from UK number in resort with activated roaming: 0203 319 4511 
(Please check with your network provider regarding additional roaming charges) 

Emergency number: 001 407 421 1584 

Open: 9am–5pm (Monday to Sunday) 

Closed: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day & New Year's Day 

E: uscustomerservice@ocean-holidays.co.uk 

Can I fly back early / late?

If you wish to alter your flights whilst in the USA, you’ll need to contact your airline directly. Your airline will not allow us to speak on your behalf once your holiday is in progress. 

What do I do in a medical emergency?

In a medical emergency your insurance company should be your first point of contact. 

What happens if I have a car accident?

When picking up your car, the car rental company will give you an emergency contact number. Keep this number safe and use it in case of an emergency. Usually the number is also located inside the car, on the windshield. 
Messages will be responded to as soon as possible
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